KATIE COFFIN is an artist of many talents and could be best described as a multi-media artist. Her creative visions are expressed through the exciting mediums of mixed media, collage, and experimental water media.

  Katie Coffin  

“I feel that collage is the art form of the new millennium. In a world where everyday life is often experienced in a one-dimensional form of computer printouts and flat-line analyses, collage offers a true balance. The varying textures, forms, shape, and colors creating a 2 and 3 dimensional affect is a welcome change and creates a visual and emotional balance. That is why I find mixed media and assemblage so exciting. I love the ability to keep growing and learning as an artist. The journey continues to be an enlightening odyssey.” - Katie Coffin

She is professionally trained in design, calligraphy, papermaking, paper sculpting, painting, photography, fiber arts, metal embossing, faux effects, water media and collage. Katie loves working experimentally to achieve originality in the many different mediums. She researches materials that are appropriate to best illustrate the particular theme she wishes to explore. The energy that emanates from her work is her inspiration and truly reflects the authenticity of her research. In this way she has the ability to visually interpret what she wishes to express and share.

She loves to work with a variety of interesting themes. Some of her favorites are old world, cross-cultural, mythology, symbolism, spirituality, womanhood, and those themes intended to be uplifting to enhance society and the environment. Katie believes that part of the creative process involves her personal journey into ancient times and cultures. She achieves this by extensive research performed through published volumes, periodicals, web research, travel, and personal interviews.

Simultaneously with developing and expanding her own artwork, she has taught many workshops and classes in all the varied mediums over the past 20 years. She feels her one-on-one contact with her students enhances and stimulates her own work. Her creativity classes are particularly inspiring and thought provoking.

Katie’s work hangs in numerous public and private collections, including The Randali Center, Brixton International, Judie Glenn Incorporated, and Wachovia Securities. Through her affiliation with the Tarpon Springs Art Association she has participated in various art exhibits held at Helen Ellis Hospital, Palm Harbor Library, TSAA Art In The Park (Tarpon Springs Art Show), and the Performing Arts Center of Tarpon Springs among others... She is presently a member of the Dunedin Fine Art Association and was juried into their prestigious 2004 Art Harvest Show. Several of her pieces have been published in Somerset Studio Art Magazine, including their Gallery edition.

“The pieces that I’ve seen have touched my sensibilities. There’s aliveness to the work. Maybe it’s the 3-dimensional quality to it - the subtle strength of the interaction between materials/symbols/and sentiment – maybe the fluid juxtaposition of objects – or the color contrasts – I don’t know, there’s just such an aliveness to it!” - D.Lopez, Photographer, Web Site Designer

In response: “David, the work is very much alive for me and insists on being worked and reworked until it tells me,”O.K., I’m completed now”. I’ve had to put work away for months until I could figure out what was missing. Various textures emit feelings and emotions and that is one of the reasons I started making my own paper and layering to create 3-dimensional compositions. The universal meanings behind symbols and what ties us all together on one level in all our humanity, both past and present, is a recurrent theme I never tire of trying to express. Also, the magic of color and how it expresses every emotion is one of my most important designing elements”. K. Coffin